File Formats and Data Structures SSLTool: A Matlab toolbox for EEG surface Laplacian Home | Download | Screenshots | Project detail
SSLTool uses Matlab structure data class extensively and uses .mat file to store information.
File Formats Model The model file is a Matlab .mat file containing two variables:
See following sections for details. Also see SSL_MODEL_DEFAULT.mat file in data directory for an example. Electrode Electrode info can be stored in a text file. The file must have 4 columns, either tab or space delimited, with the first column giving the electrode label (a string, cannot be a pure number, thus A01 is legitimate but 001 is not) and the next three depicting the X, Y and Z spatial coordinates. Fiducial landmark points may also be included in this file, SSLTool will automatically recognize channels with label LPA, RPA, NAS and VER and extract these as the Fiducial points. See SSL_ELECTRODE_EXAMPLE.txt for an example.
Data Structures Head The Head structure is defined by two primary fields:
The following auxiliary fields are also automatically generated during mesh creation:
Electrode The Electrode data structure is defined by a primary field:
and optional fields:
Data The data structure has a primary field:
and an optional field:
See SSL_DATA_DEFAULT.mat file in data directory for an example.